Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the newest thing..and some old things

bottom me n my mum....dont really know what we're doing...

pic of me n my aunt looking blur/serious

have i told you a bout my holiday in frazer"s hill?

i dont think so...but i think i posted it on my last three blogs (which i deleted) anyway,here are some pics...

above is the nice looking house and my mum's inability to diffrent shape my front from my behind.
gatal cat huh? i have to tell you guys that it's male...n no, he wasn't tame...which explains a lot...

the cat in question is probably the fattest thing in the horse ring....apart from the guy who sells the tickets for the ride.

dont look at me look at the flowers behind me.

so you've seen the pics and laughed at let me tell you about the horses that i saw in this stable i went to in frazer's hill. the horses were and ARE bone thin.i could see their ribs and feel them when i rode the horse but i didnt realize how patheticly thin they were until i saw the photos that my mum took....its to sad for me to look at and post online (either that or i'm just lazy) but i'll try and look for the pic on my computer...cuz now i'm using the computer in mu mum's office...well not HER office...the place that she works at.. WAIT hold on....
there thats my mum's blog. she's doing better than me... great..overthrown by my own mother...HOW AMBARRASING IS THAT? well whatever i dont really care. the article is " my frazer's hill escapade" i bet u'll find it damn funny.. and why not? she reads oscar wilde books....that is about the ONLY type of book that she will be able to finish in one try...normally with her other books she reads half then stop reading to start with another... then a couple of years later she picks it up again to read the other half...and for most cases you can bet she dosent remember the first half so the whole proses starts again... i really dont get that..... do you? hhhmmmmm.


People think they know me but what makes them think so?
Is it the way I walk?
The way I talk?
The way I carry myself?
Well…if they think they know me by my body language
Then it must be sending the wrong messages.
Because no one really knows me…
Sometimes I wonder if I really know myself…
All they have to do is look…and see…. and understand themselves for only then can they see everyone else…for what they really and truly are
Why do you think there are surprises?
Because no one knows anyone else fully
We even surprise ourselves sometimes...
So why do people judge?
Why do they pretend to know someone?
They kid themselves into thinking this is a predictable world
People think they know me but they don’t
They judge what is on the outside and never pause to look inside
They stick by their first impressions and that blinds them to everything else
They think that everyone is like them…
Empty on the inside so they try and make it up on the outside with cute shoes…
Not that I have anything against cute shoes and rockin’ material stuff I am a girl
But you’ve got to be pretty on the inside as well as on the outside
It’s important to think more than your exterior
It’s like a house
When you look at it on the outside its pretty,
Then you look on the inside, empty, devoid of anything personal
All you see is metal this metal that…no pictures… no memories
It’s unwelcoming
So, it’s the same with me.
Only they don’t judge me on the inside…they look on the outside
They see a shallow girl who loves to dress up…like them.
They think that by the style of my hair that I’m one of those material types
They don’t bother to see ME
They never once thought that I could be more than what they judged and convinced themselves that I am
Why is it that they don’t
I know the answer
It’s so simple that you could laugh…
They don’t know themselves...
They haven’t discovered themselves fully
Haven’t realized that looks ain’t everything
That they don’t know everything
That the biggest surprises are within themselves
I don’t think anyone really knows themselves fully



Well first of all I now have a blocked sim card…I have no idea what sim card stands for but apparently mine is not able to be unblocked…so I have to make a new one since I refused to get a new number…. Like I would ever give up my beautiful number for a common one…. no way ever in living daylights! To many boys know that number not to mention a few people that I’m not gonna see again!
Gals from my track and field competitions that wont come back next year...
2 ex boyfriends and my ex best friend’s stalker.
MIA on the last one…thank god! I had a stalker once and he was a pain…
But I think he stalked me because he wanted to annoy me not because he had a crush on me…. I don’t really know if that is bad or good..Lol
I guess its more good than bad. I don’t want a lovesick puppy dog following me with his tail wagging… it’ll be nice to but an ultimate pain in the ass all the same.

Anyway, back to the original topic, my phone. So far I’ve gone 1 week without my phone and I’m kinnda enjoying the peace and quiet. I’ll have to replace the sim card this Saturday so I’ll have around 4 days more without my phone. It happened like this.

My mum drowned her phone so she used mine and I used my old…totally cheapskate phone. In this old phone I activated the pin code…when that happened the phone asked for my PUK code, and I stupidly put in my password multiple times since I didn’t know what in the living daylights a PUK code is… I put in my passwords repeatedly until my SIM card got rejected.
My mum has now gotten her dream phone after the whole entire Malaysia ran out of stock of the nokia 6110 gps navigator phone, she is now the proud owner of an Nokia Nseries model N95…. And I’m stuck with a phone that can not function… the only good thing here is that I now know what a PUK code is and I don’t have my annoying ex at my tail…to make it worse, did you know that my ex (my 2nd ex) is actually my BGF’s (best girlfriend) cousin. Talk about stupid on my half.

Despite all this I’ve enjoyed today. Probably because I’ve been in school for the first time in 2 weeks. And since its after final exams we can do anything we want… so I had fun.
Fuzzy painted my nails with the new nail pen I bought. Now don’t go thinking I’m a girly girl now. I made sure all of them had black painted on. And the designs are rocker chick meets sassy bitch. I offered to direct the choral speaking for our interclass competition. And be coach for our class netball team… so I was pretty bz. But in my free time I sang and danced with the gang… and I mean dance while singing in front of the class. No teacher entered and not many students were there but even if they were the gang wont really care. We rock like no bodies business!