hell, i have not written a word for a long time (including homework). so how did i find myself jotting down numerous word on topics i did not know shit about? debate. that's how. we were given 20 minutes of prep time. every speker has to speak for tops of 7 mins. so basicly we craped a lot. even through the haze of crap the CBN team managed to make it to the quarter finals but we had the bad luck to run into SMK King George v. we lost. duh. but for a first timer winning 5 debates out of 7 is pretty damn great. The whole time we were debating with KGv i was taking notes on how to improve my debating skills. shhhh. dont tell my team, they'll slaughter me alive.
Apart from the debate anthics i found myself making friends with new people and reconnecting with some old friends (who has yet to return my fish), i met some kids from SMK BUD (3), some dudes from la salle and kepong. new old friends from SMK BJ (the SMK i was supposed to go to), some Asunta girls,some MGS girls, one girl form some school in johor that i met in the bathroom and some girls from CBN who i've known by sight but never really bothered to find out their names (i'm glad i did through).
As for the guys in debate. I have no idea why but i think that some gals rounded up all the funny, cool, good looking guys , shoved them into a van and drove them to the KDU debate. WHO ever said that debaters were geeks, must have been jocks... or blind. This was the only place where the guys were capable to make FRIENDS with girls instead of falling in love with them on sight and wolf whisling like a hyena whose balls are being chomped on by pirannas (i'm talkin about you St john, most of the jocks anyway).
We had weird topics, amongst them, should the USA assasinate Ahmadinejad,Should they give away free condoms in public schools, should homosexuality be included in sex education, should there be military intervension in sumalia (we debated that one, and i only found out AFTER the debate that sumalia does NOT have a working government), and the final debate between KGv and Sri Permata was along the lines of, religious sites are credible targets for war. On the gov site was KGv. They lost but to be fair, i thing they got a shit bomb and sensitive topic. They also debated with class unlike the Permata boys who were openly laughing at them and acting totally unprofessional.
hehe, i met my old school at KDU and decided to say hi to the team. Then,i found out that a certain old friend was in debate....i was like, WTH!!! oh well, fine. he was there the first day, but we were so busy that we only managed to talk on the 2nd day. i have not seen this good friend of mine for around 2 years i thing but i have known him since i was 9 (i think). it was good to finally see him after so long and we caught up. The girls of CBN were taking pictures of him (including the one where he was doing his dr evil, i'm-gonna-destr0y-the-world-one-austin-powers-at-a-time pose) i'm kinda afraid they're gonna put in in our school mag next year.
Over all i had a great time, despite feeling like throwing up before every single debate and having a poli-urea moment during every one of my debates (the feeling of wanting to pee which is trigered by being extremely butt-numbingly sphinchter-muscle-relaxingly nervous). I hope i'll be able to do this again for a long time. A little inside joke for my old friendthe evolution of man
Where Does Hate Come From?
7 years ago